Saturday, May 24, 2008

Catholic Tube | Catholic Videos

Looking for Catholic video content for your blog, website, or your own personal entertainment?  Check out Catholic Tube which has many videos, all organized into channels which make them easily accessible.  I was happy to find the Father Roderick, Life Teen and Women of Grace Channels, including some others that were new to me.

Catholic Tube | Catholic Videos


Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa,

Im Stella from India and am a regular listener of you podcast, Catholic Moments. I enjoy listening to your podcast.. very informative. I wanted to write you a personal email about your podcasting, but today I just cant wait to write a full-length email so here Im commenting and congratulating you on the wonderful work you've been doing (I hope its not the wrong place!). Thanks a lot, inspires me a lot and have learnt a lot about my faith through this journey with you. One feature I like about your podcasting and blogging its very informative and you always try to cover up all sources of catholic information from other bloggers, websites, etc. I just cant sum it all up here.

Once again, thanks a lot and hope the very best of your podcasting and blogging is yet to come.

Stella Manuel

Unknown said...

Wow, thanks so much for your comment, which made my morning! I still have so much to learn and improve, so I very much appreciate hearing from listeners and readers like you who are helped by what I'm doing. It gives me the energy and motivation I need to try to learn more and get just a little better every day!
Have a blessed Sunday,