Friday, May 25, 2007

Becoming Financially Free

We tend to think about finances at certain times of the year - Christmas, when we budget for gift giving and end of the year donations; after New Year's, when those credit card bills start to come in from the holidays; and of course, April 15 - Tax Day!

How many of us think seriously about family finances in the end of May? We're too busy planning family cookouts and summer vacations. But before we know it, next year's Tax Day will be upon us again.

I've been receiving information about a parish program that looks to have some wonderful potential. Our Sunday Visitor's 7 Steps to Becoming Financially Free Catholic Small-Group Study is based on six 90-minute weekly sessions, with an additional orientation “meet and greet” and post-program graduation celebration. The study is based on the wonderful book by Catholic author Phil Lenahan .

I personally plan to use Phil's book this summer to work my way to "Financial Freedom", and would love to see this program implemented at my parish. I've heard wonderful things about the work of Dave Ramsey and his "Total Money Makeover", but Lenahan's 7 Steps program offers the benefit of being uniquely Catholic. If you've used either program, I'd love to hear your comments.


debtfreesteve said...

The small group study may be great. I can only speak about Dave Ramsey. If I were you, I'd do both. Obviously, you have a leaning towards the Catholic program. The track record for the Total Money Makeover is hard to ignore. If someone does the steps, it is guaranteed to work. Plus, you can get all the info you need, without paying a dime, as long as you can get the radio show. The book itself is great though, as that's what really jump started us, to paying off over $120,000 in consumer debts.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful finances are so important..i read about Lenahan years back..

God bless