Thursday, May 31, 2007

New Pro-Life Blog

Thank you to Michele, who wrote me to share information about her new Pro-life blog, which started publication on Pentecost Sunday. Michele shares the following about Unborn Word of the Day:

We wanted to let you know about our new blog, Unborn Word of the day The blog’s subtitle is: Honoring the Unborn Christ Child, promoting the Gospel of Life, one day at a time. We plan to post pro-life quotes each day – some attempt will be made to follow the Church calendar when that is possible. (There will be an emphasis on the Unborn Christ Child and the Gospel of Life but we will be highlighting other Church documents and having quotes from Bishops, priests and everyday pro-lifers.)


Jean Heimann said...

Thanks for sharing this, Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Great idea...

God bless

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...


I have TAGGED you! Check my blog for details.

God bless,