Monday, July 21, 2008

Rosemary Recipes?

Eric and Adam's little garden patch is starting to produce in earnest. Today for lunch, Eric whipped up another batch of pesto and pasta - a lovely temptation for a mom who's trying to count carbs and calories. I was able to enjoy the smell, though, and it was divine!

Tonight for dinner, we decided to experiment with the rosemary that's now ready for action. This was the winning recipe, served with couscous and and grilled onions. We doubled the garlic and did not remove it as the recipe recommends, so beware of major garlic breath around the Hendey household.

Do you have a favorite recipe involving rosemary? I'd love to hear your recommendations! And next week, I'll probably be talking about zucchini and squash because we're about to have a bumper crop!


Nancy Carabio Belanger said...

Hello: I am new here, but stumbled upon your wonderful blog. Your rosemary post made me think of something that would be handy to have in the kitchen: rosemary powder! I'd never even heard of it before I read it in this delightful blog:

Go to the blog section and pull up January 2008 and there is information about using it in cooking. How cool!

Unknown said...

Thanks Nancy, I'll check it out. I enjoyed my visit to your blog too - great work! Lisa

Leslie said...

I just posted a rosemary recipe that is easy and delicious! Check it out!