Thursday, July 19, 2007

St. Jude

This should have been posted yesterday, on his feast day, but here is a lovely Novena to St. Jude:

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us.

My family has an odd devotion to St. Jude, related to a ski boat story in the late 1970's. Maybe my daddy will share all of the details of that fated day in the comments, but suffice it to say that we ended up with a ski boat named "St. Jude". Since then, he's been one of my favorites!


Anonymous said...

Darling Lisa --- We were co-owners of a new metallic blue day-cruiser ski boat. We were at the lake with several good friends, one of whom was a Lutheran mother of three whose name was Pat. The weather at the beginning of the long weekend was awful -- raining, windy and the lake all choppy. Knowing through us that St. Jude is the patron saint of impossible cases (or maybe the patron saint of the Weather Channel), Pat laughingly prayed: "St. Jude, if you give us some nice weather this weekend, I will convert to Catholicism". No kidding, within 15 minutes the sun was shining, the wind had stopped and we were off water-skiing on the now glassy water. Pat converted and we had the boat painted with its new name "St. Jude". Love and Misses, Dad

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

I love that story! Thanks Lisa and please thank your Dad for me. That is so cool that Pat converted!

God is so good and thank you dear St. Jude.