Sunday, June 22, 2008

Highlights from the Eucharistic Congress

The tremendous points of yesterday are too numerous to mention, but here are just a few:

  • Pulling into the parking lot of the massive Georgia International Convention Center bright and early (on California time) and finding one of the last few parking spots - thanks St. Anthony
  • Entering a building packed to the gills with enthusiastic, compassionate and reverent Catholic thrilled about being together to share their faith
  • Selling That Catholic Show DVDs at the TCS booth with the SQPN crew. Being trained on how to use PayPal by none other than THE TECHNOPRIEST and sharing the good news about TCS and the CNMC with so many people
  • Enjoying conversations with some of the world's best priests - all of whom are podcasting geeks!
  • Wandering the expo and speaking with vendors about their services - listen for a complete overview on this week's podcast
  • Listening to Matthew Kelly, who's just always great
  • Visiting with all of the SQPNers - the podcasters, the listeners and those who support what we do behind the scenes
  • Chatting with Popple - I tried not to gush too much, but these guys are totally cool!
  • Having dinner with the Catholic Exchange/Canticle/CatholicMom crowd and their adorable daughters
  • Attending a lobby social hour last night - sharing a beer with my fellow podcasters, getting writing wisdom from Amy Welborn and Mark Shea, and making my uStream debut
  • Spending time in Eucharistic Adoration with a few hundred other very faithfilled souls and counting my many blessings - thank you Jesus for my life, for your love and for this day!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Thank you for sharing the experience with those of us who are not able to join in person. Sounds like a great day for you.
Thank you,