Monday, November 26, 2007

Children's Literature Blog Resource

Just in case you missed it in the comments below, thanks to Alice Gunther for sharing the following resource, which is truly wonderful!

My best friend, Melissa Wiley, is a literature blogger, author and Catholic homeschooling mother who reviews Children's Literature extensively. Her blog is called Here in the Bonny Glen: If you are interested in a review of a specific work, you might even want to email her privately. My guess is she's probably already read whatever it is and would love to post a review!


Anonymous said...

Lisa, how kind of you! Thank you so much for the link. (And beloved Alice for the kind words!)

On the subject of where to look for reviews of children's books and educational resources, don't forget the excellent website (and its accompanying blog),! Alicia Van Hecke and a team of Catholic mothers post detailed reviews of many, many books, curricula, movies, and such.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much - that looks to be another wonderful resource!

Alice Gunther said...

As a new member of, I am embarrassed not to have thought of it myself! It really is a great resource!

Lisa, thank you for the kind words!

Children books said...

Lisa your resource is wonderful and great , i really appreciate to give your thought here.