Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another Reader Needs Your Help!

Patti would like your ideas for bulletin boards for Faith Formation classrooms...suggestions anyone? I was thinking it would be neat if each kid brought in a photo of them at the their Baptism. What has worked for you?


Michelle said...

What about changing the bulletin board every month--feature a saint whose feast day is in the current month. Post different photos, short bio, what they're the patron saint for, and a prayer asking for that saint's intercession?

Unknown said...

Thanks for your great idea! I enjoyed my visit to your blog - your kids are adorable!

Shirley said...

hi - how about if at least part of it is interactive or created by the children - that will keep them engaged with it... for example, how about as an opener ask each child what animal "they are" and draw a picture of it - then put up these pictures. Then, throughout the year, for each lesson or major topic area (you pick frequency you can tolerate), ask them to write down a little something - an important fact they learned or an idea or a question, whatever inspires them. Cut these out and hang up near their "pictures". They will love to keep checking in to see if they have anything new posted. And their parents will love to see what their children are learning/thinking throughout the year! Keeps 'em all coming back! Good Luck!

Unknown said...

SA - great suggestion!! Thanks so much for sharing your ideas.

Shirley said...

hi again - sorry to be so gabby - it occurred to me that maybe you meant an adult program... this idea could be easily adapted for adults. Also, the session where you ask "what animal are you" is not only a terrific ice breaker, but it gives the instructor a mnemonic for remembering who's who!

Unknown said...

SA - no need to apologize! You have great ideas and I love getting comments! Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

My daughter's first grade class did a similar project. They brought in a poster of their Baptism. They had to write where they were Baptized, who the god parents were and who Baptized them. I had a lot of fun telling her about her Baptism and each child was able to share with their class.

I am focusing on prayers this year for my second graders. We had our Open House tonight and I stood on my soap box begging my parents to bring their child to church each week.

Unknown said...

Good for you Patti! I think we parents need to always be reminded how important it is to attend Mass as a family! I will keep you and your second graders in my prayers - First Communion!! How special!