Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Time Tip for Moms

Over at Embracing Motherhood, Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle offers a great time tip from one of her readers, Karen Edmisten . Karen shares about how she manages to get out of her home and to her intended destination on a timely basis.

Karen's suggestion got me thinking about time management in my particular family. I'm a habitually early person. Being someplace "on time" makes me nervous - I just prefer to be there at least five minutes early. My husband, on the other hand, considers it good time management to arrive exactly promptly, but never early.

One wonderful compromise has happened around our Mass arrival time. Since Greg and my son Eric play guitar at Mass, they actually need to arrive about thirty minutes prior to the start of Mass to get set up and tuned. It is a blessing for me because that thirty minutes gives me time to sit quietly prior to Mass, meditating upon the readings and getting my brain into the right frame of mind to anticipate the Eucharist.

Are you early, late, or right on time? Do you have added stress in your life because you're chronically running late? Check out Donna-Marie's blog and see if Karen's tip might be of help to you.


Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

Thank you for posting this, Lisa! You are so good to keep everyone informed. Actually Karen offers the prayer idea and I offer the time idea. :)

God bless!

Unknown said...

OOPS! Sorry about that Donna! I'll read it more carefully next time! Lisa

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

That's okay, Lisa! I agree with you about trying to arrive a bit early, too. Also, it's wonderful to be at Mass a half hour early to meditate and pray; calming our minds down so we can be focused on the Mass.

God bless,