Saturday, March 10, 2007

Lent - A Time for Feasting?

One of my favorite resources, Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio of Crossroads Initiative, has a wonderful column this week on how this Sunday's gospels relates to the topic of fasting vs. feasting during Lent. Check it out!

Also on the topic, I always enjoy this fresh perspective on "feasting" during Lent:

Fast from judging others and Feast on Christ dwelling in them;
Fast from pessimism and Feast on optimism;
Fast from complaining and Feast on appreciation;
Fast from negatives and Feast on positives;
Fast from bitterness and Feast on forgiveness;
Fast from self-concern and Feast on compassion for others;
Fast from discouragement and Feast on hope and
Fast on thoughts that weaken and feast on promises that inspire.

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