Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bagpipe Update

For the inquiring minds who want to know what happened with the Bagpipe shopping, we seem to have come to a bit of a compromise. Apparently, beginning bagpipers are taught using an instrument called a "Chanter". To me, from viewing it online, it looks a lot like Adam's recorder. I'm hoping that the sound output of the chanter is a little less than the full volume of a set of bagpipes. Our neighbors probably already think we're a little too musical as it is!
Our Ebay order has been placed, so I'll let you know when we've mastered a ditty or two. You may even be treated to a video!

In other "boy news" Eric and his doubles partner won their tennis match yesterday in a stressful tie breaker. He's still enjoying his new sport and seems to be improving every time he plays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adam should be good on the "Chanter"...he is very good with the recorder...I wonder how High Noon will sound on it...MOM