Saturday, January 13, 2007

Baby Report

Little Mr. Patrick III is down for a nap, so I thought I'd report that all is well in "Auntie Land" in case Mom and Dad happen to get online and check in. We had a full night of sleep (almost twelve hours for him! I kept waking up to check and see why he wasn't crying...). After a lingering breakfast (he loves to eat), we went out for Story Time at Barnes and Noble and to run a few errands. He's a joy to have around. Now I can see why grandmas love spoiling their grandbabies so much!
I should probably go make some productive use of naptime - keep up those prayers. They're working!


Anonymous said...

I have been wondering how you are doing. I can't wait to be able to spend some quality time with PIII. Thinking of you...MOM

Tracy said...

So Glad you are having a good time, I know how you were looking forward to this special time with your nephew. I was surprised to see an entry--Good Job Auntie toddler sitter!!!!