Monday, November 13, 2006

GeoCaching in Broad Daylight

On this weekend's Geocaching adventure, Eric, Adam and I learned that some caches are better sought under the cover of darkness.
Most of our prior expeditions have been outdoorsy romps through wooded areas or off-road paths. This weekend, we decided to try our Urban treasure hunting skills. We went after two caches hidden in the midst of our busy big-box store megaplex. One of the caches stated that it was near "a preserve for Owls". I thought, "Great, this will be educational, but I didn't know there was an owl preserve near our Barnes and Noble..."
The GPS coordinates led us directly to the spot - a lamp post adjacent to...
Adam, my dear moralistic child, almost refused to participate since he's heard Mom rally against Hooters since it came to town. Once he was assured we weren't actually going to set foot in the restaurant, he rejoined the treasure hunt. Crashing through hedges and scouring the area near the lamp post, we were given a few strange looks including one from a parent at my kids school. I'm sure she was wondering what we were up to in those bushes!
Our perseverance led to success with both finds and we even had time to go to Barnes and Noble for a little visit, but I resisted Eric's request for Chicken Wings from you-know-where!

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