Sunday, October 29, 2006

Spiritual Blindness

At mass this morning, our retired Pastor offered a wonderful homily on today's Gospel - now that I can no longer see to read without my glasses, I feel an even greater empathy towards Bartimaeus. How incredible it would feel to have perfect sight restored, especially after having lived a lifetime without vision.

Our homily this morning dealt with Spiritual Blindness. I walked away from Mass pondering Monsignor's words and asking myself a few pointed questions. Do I ask for healing from the moments of spiritual blindness that fill my life? I am spiritually blind when I neglect to stop and appreciate God's many blessings in my life. I am spiritually blind when I overlook those around me who are suffering through stress, pain, loneliness or other afflictions. I am spiritually blind when I envy my friends or covet material goods. Have I asked Jesus lately to have pity on me, to touch me, and to heal me from my spiritual blindness?

Opportunities to open my eyes and truly see God around me abound - Just as clarity comes when I don my reading glasses, I pray for a heart and mind open to see God's blessings in my own life and to reach out to those around me who may need me.

May I have open, seeing eyes and a heart to truly follow Jesus.

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