Monday, September 25, 2006

Life Trumps the Blog

Are you sick of looking at that spinach? Has it really been almost a week since I last blogged? Oops, sorry about that!

My life is like most of yours - I wake up each day and hit the ground running. The past week has been full of blessings and adventures too numerous to recount, so we'll just jump right into the week ahead! I hope you had as much fun last week as I did!

I've been busy this morning posting new columns over at I hope you can make some time today to read the many inspirational thoughts shared by our talented columnists. It's funny, each week when I read and post their columns, I feel like I'm receiving my own private dose of parenting therapy! As I'm working this morning, my computer is tuned into XM radio and I'm listening to the new "Oprah and Friends" lineup of programming. As great as Oprah's "friends" are, I'll take the counsel and support of our columnists any day over that of the O-team!

If I had my own satellite radio station, "Lisa and Friends" would feature these great people:

Color Me Daring by Heidi Hess Saxton

Lessons from St. Therese by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

Murder, Mercy and Ministry by James Hahn

Not Your Ordinary Road Trip by Charla Belinski

Top Signs of Volunteer Burn-out by Lisa Barker

The Fine Line between Vices and Virtues by Michele Howe

Daughter's 'Cool' Advice is Lost on Geek Mom by Marybeth Hicks

Children and Family in Sculpture by Melissa Martz

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