Friday, September 15, 2006

Interesting Ideas

From Harcourt's Faith@Home website - they seem to be clued in to what's happening around my house these days:

For September
Make time for each other, even when you’re busy. Reorganize your schedule to make more time for your home life.

• Schedule one night a week for a family home cooked meal.

• Having a crazy week? Create time for a meal together even if it is a take-out lunch.

• Not going to see a family member this evening?-- leave love notes, or notes of support and affirmation.

• Communicate with your children on their terms—email or instant message just to let them know you are thinking about them. Using a cell phone or pager works too.

• Mark your calendars—schedule an entire day together with no outside obligations even if it is six weeks away.

Thanks to reader Shelby for this great suggestion!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I dropped out of my carpool last week because I was not getting home until after 6:00. On my own I would go in and leave an hour earlier. This is another one of those signs to me that I made the right move. Thanks for sharing!