Monday, April 10, 2006

God or the Girl

One of my little hidden secrets is that I'm a reality TV junkie. Along with one day owning a Harley, participating on Survivor is near the top of my "life after kids" list of goals...Weird huh?!

So I was excited to hear about a new A & E series debuting on Easter Sunday. "God or the Girl" looks at four young men as they consider their vocations to the priesthood. It's getting really good advance reviews and sounds very interesting. I won't likely watch Sunday night, but thanks to my DVR I'm hoping to check it out sometime next week.

Catholic Spirit Review

God or the Girl Web Site

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I also blogged about this recently.

When I first heard about the show, I was irritated and almost offended. But I heard another review or two, and I thought "why not check out an episode?" So we're setting our DVR box and I plan to watch it and decide for myself. I'll have to check back and catch your opinion!